e-Bürgenstock 2021:
Presidents meet Young Fellows
Junior Scientists Participation Fellowships - The Scientific Leaders of the next Generation!
Thanks to the Division of Fundamental Research of the Swiss Chemical Society and the support of the industrial participants (see Acknowledgements), every year 12-16 young promising European scientists (including Russia and Israel) at the beginning of their academic careers have received a fellowship to participate to the Bürgenstock conference. The intense interactions between junior and senior scientists have inspired much frontier research and are at the origin of many fruitful scientific collaborations.
The Organizing Committee asks leading scientists, former Presidents of the ‘Bürgenstock Conferences’, as well as Presidents of National Academies of Science to nominate candidates at the beginning of their career (PhD degree obtained since no more than 8 years at the application deadline with at least one publication as (co)-corresponding author) for supported participation. The long list of candidates, complemented by spontaneous applications of young researchers, is reviewed by the President and the Organizing Committee. They select the best junior scientists for support based on scientific excellence and diversity.
Since 2019, to promote early world-wide interactions among leading scientists of the next generation, up to two fellowships each will be attributed to young scientists from North/South America and Asia/Oceania/Africa respectively. Nominations will made exclusively by leading scientists selected by the Bürgenstock Committee.
The application for a JSP fellowship must include:
- a CV, indicating the official date on which the PhD degree was obtained
- a publication list with publications as corresponding author clearly highlighted and
- at least one letter of reference
It should be sent to Jérôme Waser from the Organizing Committee ()
Deadline: November 15th of the year preceding the conference.
As the conferences 2020 and 2021 had to be cancelled due to the COVIS-19 situation, the selected JSP 2020 will have the chance to present their research in the e-Bürgenstock 2021.
Important Note for the 2021 Conference!
As the Bürgenstock conference 2020 was postponed to 2021 and the awarded fellowships have been also transferred to 2021, it was unfortunately not possible to apply for a JSP fellowship this year. The eligibility criteria for application to a JSP fellowship for the conference in 2022 will be exceptionally modified from 8 to 9 years after PhD degree.
JSP Awardees
Awardees 2020/2021
- Dr. Liam Ball, University of Nottingham
- Prof. Shoubhik Das, University of Antwerp
- Dr. Luca Dell'Amico, University of Padova
- Prof. Pawel Dydio, ISIS Strasbourg
- Dr. Angélique Ferry, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- Dr. Urs Gellrich, Giessen University
- Dr. Rafael Gramage-Doria, University of Rennes
- Dr. Denis Gribkov, Syngenta
- Prof. Dmitry Katayev, University of Fribourg
- Dr. Eugene Kwan, Merck
- Dr. Guillaume Lefèvre, Chimie ParisTech
- Prof. Song Lin, Cornell University
- Dr. Rebecca Melen, Cardiff University
- Dr. Michael Parmentier, Novartis
- Prof. Sophie Rousseaux, University of Toronto
- Prof. Miriam Unterlass, University of Konstanz
- Prof. Olalla Vázquez, Marburg University
Awardees 2019
- Dr. Eszter Barath, TU München, Germany
- Dr. Josep Cornella, MPI Mühlheim, Germany
- Dr. Fabien B.L. Cougnon, Geneva University, Switzerland
- Prof. Jun Deng, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Prof. Simon Duttwyler, Zhejiang University, China
- Dr. David Leboeuf, Université Paris Sud, France
- Prof. Jeremy Luterbacher, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
- Dr. Esteban Meija, Leibniz Institut für Katalyse, Germany
- Dr. Tiddo Mooibroek, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Dr. David James Nelson, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
- Dr. Elena Pazos, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
- Dr. Manuel Van Gemmeren, Universität Münster, Germany
- Dr. Carlos Vila, University of Valencia, Spain
- Prof. Masayuki Wasa, Boston College, USA
- Dr. Joanna Wencel-Delord, University of Strasbourg, France
Awardees 2018
- Dr. Monica Perez-Temprano, ICIQ Tarragona, Spain
- Dr. Anis Tlili, Université Lyon, France
- Dr. Dorian Didier, University of Münich, Germany
- Dr. Silvia Osuna, University of Girona, Spain
- Dr. Marcos Garcia Suero, ICIQ Tarragona, Spain
- Prof. Charles Diesendruck, Technion Haifa, Israel
- Dr. Markus Kärkäs, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Prof. Job Boekhoven, TU München. Germany
- Dr. Silvia Marchesan, University of Trieste, Italy
- Dr. Vittorio Pace, University of Vienna, Austria
- Prof. Sunkyu Han, KAIST, Korea
- Dr. Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Dr. Renana Gershoni Poranne, ETHZ, Switzerland
- Dr. Gabor London, Hungarian Academy of science, Hungary